Saw Bar Reconditioning

Saw Bar Reconditioning

Proper maintenance is the key to extending the life of any tool, especially something as essential as your chainsaw. In this guide, we delve deep into the process of saw bar reconditioning, a fundamental aspect of chainsaw maintenance. Why is it important, and how is it performed? Let’s dive in.

What is Saw Bar Reconditioning?

Saw bar reconditioning is the process of restoring your chainsaw’s saw bar back to its original condition. It involves inspecting, cleaning, and repairing the saw bar, ensuring it functions optimally and safely. But why bother with all this fuss?

The Importance of Saw Bar Reconditioning

Saw bar reconditioning extends the lifespan of your chainsaw, enhances its performance, and ensures safety during use. A well-maintained saw bar can save you money in the long run and make your chainsaw operation smoother and more efficient.

The Saw Bar Reconditioning Process

Reconditioning your saw bar involves three primary steps: inspection, cleaning, and repair. Let’s break these down.

Inspecting the Saw Bar

The first step in reconditioning is to thoroughly inspect the saw bar. Here’s how.

Recognizing the Signs of Wear

Identify any signs of wear or damage, such as bending, warping, or uneven wear on the rails. These signs indicate that your saw bar needs reconditioning.

Professional vs DIY Inspection

While you can perform a basic inspection yourself, a professional has the skills and tools to spot subtle issues that you might overlook.

Cleaning the Saw Bar

A clean saw bar is essential for optimal chainsaw performance. Here’s how to get it sparkling.

Tools for Saw Bar Cleaning

To clean your saw bar, you’ll need a cleaning solution, a brush, and compressed air. Each tool plays a crucial role in the cleaning process.

Step-by-Step Cleaning Process

First, soak the saw bar in a cleaning solution to loosen grime. Then scrub it with a brush, and finally, blow out the guide bar groove with compressed air to remove any remaining debris.

Repairing the Saw Bar

After cleaning, it’s time to repair any issues found during the inspection.

Straightening the Saw Bar

If your saw bar is bent or warped, it will need to be straightened. This process usually involves heating and hammering the bar back into shape.

Reconditioning the Rails

The rails of the saw bar can become uneven over time. A file or a rail dresser can be used to even them out, restoring the saw bar to its original condition.

Maintaining the Groove

The groove of the saw bar, which guides the chainsaw chain, must also be maintained. A groove cleaner can help remove any stubborn dirt or resin build-up.

Saw Repair

Choosing a Saw Bar Reconditioning Service

If DIY isn’t your style, or if your saw bar needs more extensive repairs, a professional reconditioning service is a worthwhile investment. Pacific Trail Manufacturing offers professional saw bar reconditioning and service to help make life a little easier.

Key Considerations

When choosing a service, consider factors like cost, turnaround time, and customer reviews. Also, look for a service provider that specializes in your chainsaw brand.

Finding a Reliable Service Provider

Ask for recommendations from friends or colleagues, or search online for highly-rated providers in your area.


In conclusion, saw bar reconditioning is an essential aspect of chainsaw maintenance. It enhances the performance and longevity of your chainsaw, and can even save you money in the long run. Whether you opt for DIY or professional service provider like Pacific Trail Manufacturing, regular reconditioning is a must for every chainsaw owner.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is saw bar reconditioning? Saw bar reconditioning is the process of restoring your chainsaw’s saw bar to its original condition by inspecting, cleaning, and repairing it.
  2. Why is saw bar reconditioning important? It extends the life of your chainsaw, improves its performance, and ensures safety during use.
  3. Can I recondition my saw bar myself? Yes, basic reconditioning can be done at home. However, for complex issues or for a thorough job, you might want to consider a professional service.
  4. How often should I recondition my saw bar? The frequency depends on how often and how hard you use your chainsaw. However, a good rule of thumb is to inspect and clean your saw bar after every use, and to have it professionally reconditioned once a year.
  5. Where can I find a reliable saw bar reconditioning service? Ask for recommendations from fellow chainsaw users, or search online for highly-rated service providers in your area.