Portable Yard Saw

Portable Yard Saw – Your Guide To Efficiency And Precision

When it comes to timber processing and handling, the quality and efficiency of your equipment can significantly influence your output. The portable yard saw is an instrumental device in this regard. Let’s delve into the ins and outs of the portable yard saw, understanding its advantages, essential features, and why it stands out as a critical tool for timber management.

Key Features of the Portable Yard Saw

Efficient Blade System

The blade system in a portable yard saw is designed for maximum efficiency. Its sharpness, durability, and speed ensure that every cut is precise, minimizing wastage.

Robust Engine Performance

A powerful engine drives these yard saws, ensuring consistent performance. This means reduced downtime and increased productivity.

Ease of Portability

As the name suggests, one of the standout features of the portable yard saw is its portability. It is designed for ease of transport, making it suitable for different terrains and onsite projects.

Safety Mechanisms

Safety can never be compromised. These saws come equipped with top-notch safety features, ensuring that the user and the equipment remain protected at all times.

Advantages of Using a Portable Yard Saw

1. Cost-Effective Operation

Using a portable yard saw reduces operational costs. Its efficient blade system ensures minimal wastage, translating to more output from every timber piece.

2. Flexibility and Versatility

With its portability feature, this yard saw can be used in multiple locations, making it ideal for businesses with multiple operational sites or those that handle onsite projects.

3. Reduced Downtime

Thanks to its robust engine and durable construction, the portable yard saw promises reduced downtime. This means more hours of operation, leading to increased productivity.

4. Enhanced Safety

With built-in safety mechanisms, operators can feel secure, knowing that the equipment has been designed keeping their safety in mind.

Selecting the Right Portable Yard Saw for Your Needs

When choosing a portable yard saw, consider:

  • Blade Quality: Ensure the blade is of high-quality steel and offers durability.
  • Engine Power: A powerful engine ensures consistent performance.
  • Safety Features: Check for features like auto shut-off, blade guards, and emergency stops.
  • Portability Features: Look for designs that facilitate easy movement and transport.

Pacific Trail Manufacturing offers our Mobil-Cut Gas Saw as a solution.

How a Portable Yard Saw Works

The portable yard saw, often regarded as an indispensable tool in timber processing, combines functionality, precision, and efficiency in a compact design. To appreciate its brilliance, it’s essential to understand its operational mechanism. Below is a detailed breakdown of how a portable yard saw functions:

1. Timber Feeding

The process starts with feeding the timber or log into the machine. Most portable yard saws have adjustable guide systems to handle timber of different sizes, ensuring that the timber stays in place and moves steadily.

2. Blade Engagement

Once the timber is in position, the next step involves the blade. Driven by a powerful engine, the blade rotates at high speeds. This blade, made of durable materials and often fortified with carbide or other hard metals, is designed to cut through timber with precision and efficiency.

3. Cutting Process

As the timber moves (either manually pushed or automatically fed), the rotating blade slices through it. Depending on the design and setting, the saw can make either crosscuts, which are cuts across the grain, or rip cuts, which are cuts with the grain. Some advanced models may also allow for angled cuts or bevels.

4. Waste Management

The cutting process produces sawdust and small wood chips. Portable yard saws often come equipped with waste management systems. This can be as simple as a chute directing the waste into a collection bag or more advanced systems like integrated dust collectors.

5. Safety Mechanisms in Action

Throughout the cutting process, various safety mechanisms are at play. Blade guards shield the operator from direct contact with the blade. Some models may also feature auto shut-off sensors that detect irregularities or obstructions and shut down the machine to prevent accidents.

6. Completion and Timber Ejection

Once the timber has been entirely cut, it’s either manually removed or ejected through a conveyor system, depending on the model’s design. With the cut timber safely out, the saw is ready for the next piece.

7. Mobility and Transportation

What sets the portable yard saw apart from stationary models is its portability. After the cutting process, the machine can be easily relocated. Features like foldable stands, wheels, or lightweight construction ensure the saw can be moved to different locations or stored conveniently.

In essence, the portable yard saw is a symphony of engineering brilliance. It merges powerful cutting capabilities with safety and portability, providing an efficient solution for timber processing needs. Whether it’s for onsite projects or varied operational sites, understanding its operational dynamics ensures users can harness its full potential.


In the realm of timber management, Pacific Trail Manufacturing’s portable yard saw stands out as an indispensable tool. It offers a perfect blend of efficiency, safety, and portability, making it a must-have for businesses looking to optimize their timber processing operations. Whether you’re looking to enhance productivity, reduce operational costs, or ensure the safety of your personnel, the portable yard saw ticks all the boxes. By understanding its features and benefits, you can make an informed decision that can elevate your timber management processes.

Hydraulics vs Pneumatics

Comprehensive Guide to Hydraulics and Pneumatics

Hydraulics and pneumatics represent engineering innovation, embodying the principle of fluid power transmission to induce motion and functionality in machines. These robust systems find their roots in the fundamental laws of physics, seamlessly interweaving with modern-day engineering marvels to foster enhanced performance, reliability, and efficiency. Hydraulic and pneumatic systems are found across a myriad of industries—ranging from manufacturing, construction, and automotive to aerospace.

The depth of applications afforded by hydraulics and pneumatics are boundless, transcending conventional boundaries to offer solutions tailored to the requirements of different industrial domains. Be it the the precision-controlled robotic arms in sophisticated manufacturing units, or use in our custom manufactured saws, or the high-performance braking systems ensuring vehicular safety, the essence of hydraulics and pneumatics is ingrained in each of these marvels.

This guide is crafted to guide you through the intricacies of hydraulics and pneumatics, delineating their core principles, functionalities, and distinguishing attributes.

Understanding Hydraulics: The Power of Liquids

Hydraulics is a pivotal branch of engineering that focuses on the mechanical properties and use of liquids. It employs the fundamental principles of fluid dynamics to create, control, and transmit power. In the heart of a hydraulic system lies the incompressible nature of liquids which is harnessed to execute various industrial and mechanical tasks with a degree of efficiency and control that is often unparalleled.

Core Fundamentals of Hydraulics

  • Incompressibility and Continuity: Liquids are essentially incompressible, a trait that ensures a consistent flow rate through the system. This characteristic, governed by the principle of continuity, ensures that hydraulic systems operate with a high degree of predictability and precision.
  • Pascal’s Law: At the cornerstone of hydraulic systems is Pascal’s Law which states that a change in pressure applied to an enclosed fluid is transmitted undiminished to all portions of the fluid and to the walls of its container. This principle enables the effective multiplication of force, making hydraulic systems a powerhouse for a multitude of heavy-duty applications.
  • Flow Rate and Pressure: The efficacy of a hydraulic system is often dictated by the flow rate and pressure of the liquid. Flow rate determines the speed of operation while pressure ascertains the force exerted. Mastery over these variables allows for the fine-tuning of hydraulic systems to meet the rigorous demands of varied applications.

Salient Characteristics of Hydraulic Systems

  • High Power Density: Hydraulic systems boast a high power-to-size ratio. This high power density makes them a preferred choice for applications where substantial force is required in confined spaces.
  • Precise Control and Accuracy: The meticulous control over liquid flow and pressure grants hydraulic systems a high degree of accuracy and control, making them indispensable in scenarios demanding precision.
  • Energy Efficiency: The capacity to store potential energy efficiently, coupled with the ability to handle high loads, renders hydraulic systems energy efficient, thus often proving to be cost-effective in the long run.

Prevalent Applications of Hydraulic Systems

The universality of hydraulic systems is reflected in their wide array of applications across different industrial sectors:

  • Industrial Machinery: Hydraulic systems drive the functionality of numerous industrial machines such as presses, hydraulic jacks, and lift tables, ensuring seamless operations in manufacturing facilities.
  • Construction and Heavy Equipment: The brute force required in construction equipment like excavators, bulldozers, and backhoes is amply supplied by hydraulic systems.
  • Transportation: Essential systems in automotive and aerospace sectors like braking systems and landing gear operations are often empowered by hydraulics.
  • Renewable Energy: The burgeoning field of renewable energy also witnesses the application of hydraulics, notably in hydroelectric power stations and wave energy generation.


Delving into Pneumatics: The Power of Gases

Pneumatics is a fascinating facet of engineering that taps into the properties of gases, chiefly air, to create and transmit energy. Unlike hydraulics, which exploits the incompressible nature of liquids, pneumatics capitalizes on the compressibility and elasticity of gases to perform work. Its applicability is wide-reaching, spanning across various industries due to its lightweight, clean, and agile nature.

Underlying Principles of Pneumatics

  • Compressibility and Elasticity: The inherent compressibility and elasticity of gases are pivotal to the functionality of pneumatic systems. These properties allow for the storage and release of energy, facilitating dynamic operations across a multitude of applications.
  • Boyle’s Law: Boyle’s Law, which states that the pressure and volume of a gas are inversely proportional at a constant temperature, forms a fundamental base for understanding and working with pneumatic systems. By adjusting the pressure, one can manipulate the volume of the gas, and thus, control the energy transmission within the system.
  • Flow and Pressure Control: The control of flow rate and pressure are crucial for fine-tuning the performance of pneumatic systems. These variables are adjusted to meet the specific demands of different applications, ensuring both efficiency and effectiveness.

Notable Attributes of Pneumatic Systems

  • High-Speed Operation: Pneumatic systems are revered for their ability to operate at high speeds, making them a suitable choice for applications requiring rapid, cyclic operations.
  • Simplicity and Economy: The simplicity in design and the use of air as the primary medium makes pneumatics an economical and easy-to-maintain option. Moreover, the abundance and ease of compressing air contribute to the cost-efficiency of pneumatic systems.
  • Safety and Cleanliness: The use of air, a clean and safe medium, makes pneumatics an attractive option in environments where hygiene and safety are paramount, such as the food and pharmaceutical industries.

Broad-Spectrum Applications of Pneumatic Systems

The adaptability and versatility of pneumatic systems are mirrored in their broad range of applications:

  • Industrial Automation: Pneumatic systems play a critical role in automation, powering a plethora of automated machinery and robotic systems to enhance productivity and precision.
  • Pneumatic Tools: The range of pneumatic tools like air hammers, drills, and wrenches is extensive, assisting in various construction and manufacturing tasks.
  • Medical Devices: In the medical domain, pneumatics propels devices like ventilators and pressure cuffs, underscoring its importance in critical life-saving applications.
  • Transport Systems: Pneumatic technology also finds its way into modern transportation systems, aiding in brake systems and automatic doors, among others.

Hydraulics vs Pneumatics: Uncovering the Distinctions

The dichotomy of hydraulics and pneumatics is rooted in the contrast between the mediums they employ—liquids and gases respectively. While both mechanisms fall under the broad umbrella of fluid power technology, their differences carve distinct applications and efficiencies in the industrial realm. This section meticulously delineates the contrasting characteristics and application domains of hydraulic and pneumatic systems.

Fundamental Discrepancies

  • Medium of Operation:
    • Hydraulic systems operate using liquids, primarily oil, which are incompressible.
    • Pneumatic systems utilize gases, chiefly air, which are compressible and exhibit elasticity.
  • Operational Pressure Range:
    • Hydraulics often operates at higher pressures, typically ranging from 1,000 to 5,000 psi.
    • Pneumatics operates at lower pressures, usually between 80 to 100 psi.
  • Compressibility:
    • The incompressibility of liquids confers precision and power to hydraulic systems.
    • The compressibility of gases lends pneumatics a level of springiness, making it adept for applications requiring cushioning effects.

Performance Characteristics

  • Power Density:
    • Hydraulics boasts a higher power density due to the incompressible nature of liquids, making it suitable for heavy-duty and high precision applications.
    • Pneumatics, with its lower power density, caters to lighter, high-speed operations.
  • Control and Accuracy:
    • Hydraulic systems offer superior control and accuracy, crucial for applications demanding meticulous force or position control.
    • Pneumatic systems, while capable of control, may not match the precision levels achievable with hydraulics.
  • Speed of Operation:
    • Pneumatics excels in high-speed, cyclic operations due to the compressibility of gases and simpler system designs.
    • Hydraulics, while capable of varying speeds, might not match the rapid actuation of pneumatic systems.

Maintenance and Environment

  • Maintenance Needs:
    • Hydraulic systems may necessitate more rigorous maintenance to prevent and address leaks, and ensure clean, moisture-free oil.
    • Pneumatic systems generally require lesser maintenance due to the self-cleaning and self-cooling attributes of compressed air.
  • Environmental Impact:
    • Hydraulic leaks can pose environmental hazards and may require careful disposal of used oil.
    • Pneumatics is environmentally benign with air being exhausted into the atmosphere post-operation.

Tailoring to Applications

The contrast between hydraulics and pneumatics directs their appropriateness for different application domains:

  • Heavy Machinery and Construction: The formidable power of hydraulic systems makes them the go-to choice for heavy machinery and construction equipment.
  • High-Speed Manufacturing and Assembly: The high-speed actuation of pneumatic systems makes them ideal for manufacturing lines and assembly operations.
  • Medical and Food Industries: The clean, safe operation of pneumatic systems fits well within the stringent hygiene requirements of the medical and food industries.

Concluding Remarks

The profound understanding of hydraulics and pneumatics is essential for engineers and technicians to aptly utilize these systems. Each holds its own set of advantages and suitability for different applications, dictating their selection based on the specific needs of a project. Through this detailed exposition, the intrinsic value and the distinguishing facets of hydraulics and pneumatics are thoroughly illuminated, fostering informed decision-making in engineering endeavors.

Wood Dunnage

Aluminum Dunnage VS Wood Dunnage

Every industry has its own set of tools and materials to ensure that products are stored and transported safely. One such tool is dunnage. But, which is better: aluminum or wood dunnage?

What is Dunnage?

Defined and Purposed

Dunnage is essentially the material used to protect goods during shipping and storage. Imagine it as a cushion for your delicate items. It keeps them from moving, getting damaged, or getting contaminated. Think of it this way: wouldn’t you rather sit on a comfy sofa than a cold, hard floor? Similarly, products prefer the gentle embrace of dunnage.

Aluminum Dunnage

Aluminum has been making waves in the dunnage industry. But why?


  • Durability
    Aluminum, by its nature, is resistant to rust and corrosion. This means that, in most environments, it will last a lot longer than wood. Ever heard the saying “tough as nails”? Well, in this case, it’s “tough as aluminum.”
  • Maintenance
    Aluminum requires minimal upkeep. Unlike wood, it doesn’t absorb moisture, so there’s no need to worry about rot or decay. It’s like owning a pet rock; it doesn’t demand much attention.


  • Cost
    While aluminum offers numerous benefits, it comes with a price tag. Initial investments can be higher than wood, making it a weighty decision for some businesses.

Wood Dunnage

A classic choice in the dunnage world, wood has its own set of perks.


  • Affordability
    Wood is often cheaper than aluminum, making it an attractive choice for businesses on a budget. It’s like choosing between a designer brand and a generic one; both serve the purpose, but one is lighter on the wallet.
  • Versatility
    Wood can be easily cut, reshaped, and customized. This gives businesses flexibility in how they use it. Have you ever tried molding metal with your bare hands? With wood, it’s a piece of cake (or should I say, a piece of wood?)


  • Susceptibility to Pests
    Wood can be a feast for pests like termites. No one wants their protective material to become a midnight snack for bugs!
  • Maintenance Needs
    Wood absorbs moisture, leading to potential rot or mold issues. It’s like needing to water a plant regularly, except in this case, you don’t want the moisture.

Comparison between Aluminum and Wood Dunnage

The ultimate showdown!

  • Environmental Impact
    Aluminum is recyclable, reducing waste in landfills. Wood, on the other hand, is biodegradable but can also contribute to deforestation. It’s a battle of nature versus man-made.
  • Life Span
    While aluminum has a longer life span due to its resistance to environmental factors, wood, if maintained properly, can last for a significant amount of time. But it’s like comparing a turtle’s age to a dog’s; both can live long, but one typically outlasts the other.

Practical Scenarios for Each Material

Aluminum might be suitable for industries needing long-term solutions in harsh environments. Wood, being versatile and affordable, might cater to businesses that require customizable solutions or are on a tighter budget.


Both aluminum and wood dunnage have their pros and cons. The choice boils down to the specific needs of the business and the environment in which the dunnage will be used. Like choosing between tea and coffee, both have their moments and fans.


  1. Is aluminum dunnage environmentally friendly?
    Yes, because it’s recyclable.
  2. Can wood dunnage be treated to prevent pests?
    Absolutely! It can be treated to deter pests.
  3. Which is heavier: aluminum or wood dunnage?
    Aluminum is typically lighter than dense woods, making it easier to transport.
  4. Do both types of dunnage require professional installation?
    Not necessarily. However, proper installation ensures maximum protection.
  5. Can I use a combination of both materials?
    Certainly! Depending on the requirements, both materials can be used simultaneously.
Saw Bar Reconditioning

Saw Bar Reconditioning

Proper maintenance is the key to extending the life of any tool, especially something as essential as your chainsaw. In this guide, we delve deep into the process of saw bar reconditioning, a fundamental aspect of chainsaw maintenance. Why is it important, and how is it performed? Let’s dive in.

What is Saw Bar Reconditioning?

Saw bar reconditioning is the process of restoring your chainsaw’s saw bar back to its original condition. It involves inspecting, cleaning, and repairing the saw bar, ensuring it functions optimally and safely. But why bother with all this fuss?

The Importance of Saw Bar Reconditioning

Saw bar reconditioning extends the lifespan of your chainsaw, enhances its performance, and ensures safety during use. A well-maintained saw bar can save you money in the long run and make your chainsaw operation smoother and more efficient.

The Saw Bar Reconditioning Process

Reconditioning your saw bar involves three primary steps: inspection, cleaning, and repair. Let’s break these down.

Inspecting the Saw Bar

The first step in reconditioning is to thoroughly inspect the saw bar. Here’s how.

Recognizing the Signs of Wear

Identify any signs of wear or damage, such as bending, warping, or uneven wear on the rails. These signs indicate that your saw bar needs reconditioning.

Professional vs DIY Inspection

While you can perform a basic inspection yourself, a professional has the skills and tools to spot subtle issues that you might overlook.

Cleaning the Saw Bar

A clean saw bar is essential for optimal chainsaw performance. Here’s how to get it sparkling.

Tools for Saw Bar Cleaning

To clean your saw bar, you’ll need a cleaning solution, a brush, and compressed air. Each tool plays a crucial role in the cleaning process.

Step-by-Step Cleaning Process

First, soak the saw bar in a cleaning solution to loosen grime. Then scrub it with a brush, and finally, blow out the guide bar groove with compressed air to remove any remaining debris.

Repairing the Saw Bar

After cleaning, it’s time to repair any issues found during the inspection.

Straightening the Saw Bar

If your saw bar is bent or warped, it will need to be straightened. This process usually involves heating and hammering the bar back into shape.

Reconditioning the Rails

The rails of the saw bar can become uneven over time. A file or a rail dresser can be used to even them out, restoring the saw bar to its original condition.

Maintaining the Groove

The groove of the saw bar, which guides the chainsaw chain, must also be maintained. A groove cleaner can help remove any stubborn dirt or resin build-up.

Saw Repair

Choosing a Saw Bar Reconditioning Service

If DIY isn’t your style, or if your saw bar needs more extensive repairs, a professional reconditioning service is a worthwhile investment. Pacific Trail Manufacturing offers professional saw bar reconditioning and service to help make life a little easier.

Key Considerations

When choosing a service, consider factors like cost, turnaround time, and customer reviews. Also, look for a service provider that specializes in your chainsaw brand.

Finding a Reliable Service Provider

Ask for recommendations from friends or colleagues, or search online for highly-rated providers in your area.


In conclusion, saw bar reconditioning is an essential aspect of chainsaw maintenance. It enhances the performance and longevity of your chainsaw, and can even save you money in the long run. Whether you opt for DIY or professional service provider like Pacific Trail Manufacturing, regular reconditioning is a must for every chainsaw owner.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is saw bar reconditioning? Saw bar reconditioning is the process of restoring your chainsaw’s saw bar to its original condition by inspecting, cleaning, and repairing it.
  2. Why is saw bar reconditioning important? It extends the life of your chainsaw, improves its performance, and ensures safety during use.
  3. Can I recondition my saw bar myself? Yes, basic reconditioning can be done at home. However, for complex issues or for a thorough job, you might want to consider a professional service.
  4. How often should I recondition my saw bar? The frequency depends on how often and how hard you use your chainsaw. However, a good rule of thumb is to inspect and clean your saw bar after every use, and to have it professionally reconditioned once a year.
  5. Where can I find a reliable saw bar reconditioning service? Ask for recommendations from fellow chainsaw users, or search online for highly-rated service providers in your area.
Saw Chain Grinding

Saw Chain Grinding – How To Keep Your Saw Sharp

Table of Contents

The Significance of a Sharp Saw Chain

When it comes to cutting wood cleanly, the sharpness of your saw chain can make a world of difference. Just as you wouldn’t cut steak with a butter knife, using a dull saw chain can seriously hinder your productivity and the quality of your work. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve deep into the nuts and bolts of how to sharpen a saw chain with an electric sharpener.

Understanding the Saw Chain: Components and Functions

Before we get our hands dirty, it’s important to understand the structure of a saw chain. There’s more to it than meets the eye.

The Anatomy of a Saw Chain

A saw chain is made up of several components, each with its own purpose and function. The primary components include the drive links, cutters, and guide bars.

Important of a Sharp Saw Chain

When your saw chain is sharp, it can cut through wood like a hot knife through butter. It’s not only about speed and efficiency, but also about safety and precision. Now that you understand the importance of a sharp saw chain, it’s time to familiarize yourself with the tool that makes it all possible: the electric sharpener.

Understanding How an Electric Sharpener Works

An electric sharpener works by grinding against the cutters on your saw chain. It’s a simple, but precise process that requires careful handling and proper knowledge. Just like the saw chain, an electric sharpener consists of several parts that work together. These include the motor, the grinding wheel, and the chain guide.

Preparations Before Sharpening

Sharpening a saw chain isn’t something you just jump into. There are a few steps you need to take before you can start.

Inspecting the Saw Chain

Before you begin sharpening, it’s crucial to inspect the saw chain. This will help you identify any issues that might need to be addressed during the sharpening process.

Setting Up The Electric Sharpener

Once you’ve inspected the saw chain and determined it needs sharpening, you’ll need to set up your electric sharpener. This involves adjusting the settings, securing the chain, and ensuring the safety mechanisms are in place.

34-pitch saw chain guide bars

How to Sharpen a Saw Chain with an Electric Sharpener

With preparations complete, it’s time to get down to business. Here, we’ll go through the step-by-step process of sharpening a saw chain with an electric sharpener.

STEP 1: Positioning the Saw Chain

To begin, you need to correctly position your saw chain within the electric sharpener. Proper positioning is vital for effective sharpening.

STEP 2: Setting the Sharpening Angle

Next, you’ll need to set the correct sharpening angle. This will vary depending on the specific type of saw chain you’re sharpening. Please refer to the following PDF guide for details: Saw Chain & Bar Maintenance Manual 20220228-V5

STEP 3: Sharpening the Saw Chain

With everything in place, it’s time to start sharpening. It’s crucial to take your time during this step to ensure each cutter is sharpened evenly.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid them

As with any task, mistakes can be made when sharpening a saw chain with an electric sharpener. Let’s explore some common pitfalls and how to steer clear of them.

MISTAKE 1: Incorrect Sharpening Angle

One of the most common mistakes is setting the incorrect sharpening angle. 

MISTAKE 2: Uneven Sharpening

Another frequent error is uneven sharpening. This can significantly impact the performance of your saw chain.

Maintaining Your Electric Sharpener

A well-maintained electric sharpener will serve you reliably for many years. Here’s how to keep yours in top condition.

Cleaning the Electric Sharpener

Regular cleaning of your electric sharpener is essential. It’s not a complicated process, but there are a few key points to remember.

Replacing the Grinding Wheel

Eventually, the grinding wheel on your electric sharpener will wear out. Knowing when and how to replace it is an important part of sharpener maintenance.

Safety Measures During Sharpening

Sharpening a saw chain can be dangerous if not done correctly. Here are some crucial safety measures to follow.

Use Safety Gear

No matter how experienced you are, always use safety gear when sharpening a saw chain.

Handle the Electric Sharpener Safely

The electric sharpener is a powerful tool, and it must be handled with care. 

Electric Saw Chain Sharpener

Choosing the Right Electric Sharpener

There’s a wide variety of electric sharpeners on the market. How do you choose the right one? Here are a few factors to consider when buying an electric sharpener. 

  1. What power do you need to get the job done? 
  2. What size of sharpener do you need?
  3. What features are needed for the project?
  4. What budget do you have for a sharpener?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

When it comes to sharpening a saw chain with an electric sharpener, there are a few common questions that arise. Let’s answer them here.

1. How often should I sharpen my saw chain?

You should sharpen your saw chain whenever it begins to get dull. This will vary based on how often and intensely you use your saw.

2. Can I sharpen my saw chain manually?

Yes, you can, but it’s generally more difficult and time-consuming than using an electric sharpener. Electric sharpeners also provide more consistent results.

3. How do I know when my saw chain needs sharpening?

If your saw chain is producing dust instead of chips, or if you need to apply more force than usual when cutting, it’s likely time to sharpen the chain.

4. Can a dull saw chain be dangerous?

Absolutely. A dull saw chain can increase the chance of kickback, a potentially dangerous situation where the saw lurches back towards the user.

5. How long does an electric sharpener last?

With proper care and maintenance, an electric sharpener can last for several years or more. It’s important to clean it regularly and replace the grinding wheel when necessary.

6. Is it hard to sharpen a saw chain with an electric sharpener?

Not at all! With a bit of practice and the correct knowledge, anyone can sharpen a saw chain with an electric sharpener.

Conclusion: The Value of Sharpening Skill

Knowing how to sharpen a saw chain with an electric sharpener is a valuable skill that can greatly improve your woodworking or carpentry experience. Not only can it enhance the performance of your saw, but it can also extend its lifespan and improve safety. So don’t be afraid to roll up your sleeves and give it a shot — your saw chain will thank you!

For any additional details, please refer to our saw chain & bar maintenance manual:

Saw Chain & Bar Maintenance Manual 20220228-V5


For saw parts, in house service, and pricing, visit our service page:


accu-cut cross cut saw system

Industrial Crosscut Saw Manufacturer

When it comes to woodworking, precision and efficiency are vital. Pacific Trail Manufacturing Inc. (PTMI), an industry-leading industrial crosscut saw manufacturer, delivers unparalleled performance with their range of innovative crosscut saws. This article will provide you with a comprehensive guide to PTMI’s crosscut saws, exploring their advantages and why they are revolutionizing the woodworking industry.

Table of Contents

  1. The PTMI Advantage
  2. A Closer Look at PTMI’s Industrial Crosscut Saws
  3. Key Features and Benefits of PTMI’s Crosscut Saws
  4. Top Applications for Industrial Crosscut Saws
  5. PTMI’s Commitment to Customer Satisfaction

1. The PTMI Advantage

As a reputable company in the industry, PTMI takes pride in designing and manufacturing industrial crosscut saws with exceptional quality, durability, and performance. Their advanced technology and commitment to continuous improvement ensure that their products are always at the forefront of innovation. This makes PTMI the go-to choice for professionals in the woodworking sector.

2. A Closer Look at PTMI’s Industrial Crosscut Saws

PTMI offers a diverse range of industrial crosscut saws to suit various applications, including stationary and portable options. Their saws are designed with the user in mind, providing excellent ergonomics, safety features, and easy maintenance. Each crosscut saw is built to withstand the rigors of industrial woodworking, ensuring lasting performance and reliability.

PTMI crosscut saw products to choose from include:

3. Key Features and Benefits of PTMI’s Crosscut Saws

PTMI’s industrial crosscut saws offer several unique features and benefits, making them the preferred choice for professionals:

  • Precision cutting: PTMI’s crosscut saws deliver precise and accurate cuts, resulting in a superior finished product.
  • High-powered performance: Their industrial crosscut saws are equipped with powerful motors, ensuring smooth and efficient operation.
  • Ease of use: PTMI’s saws come with user-friendly controls, allowing for effortless adjustments and increased productivity.
  • Safety-focused design: PTMI’s commitment to safety is evident in the design of their crosscut saws, with features such as blade guards, emergency stop buttons, and dust extraction systems.
  • Durability: Constructed from high-quality materials and components, PTMI’s crosscut saws are built to last, providing a solid return on investment.

4. Top Applications for Industrial Crosscut Saws

PTMI’s industrial crosscut saws are versatile and can be used in a variety of woodworking applications:

  • Construction materials: Crosscut saws are essential in the production of wooden beams, trusses, and other structural components.
  • Flooring production: PTMI’s crosscut saws deliver the precision needed for creating flawless hardwood cuts.

5. PTMI’s Commitment to Customer Satisfaction

PTMI is dedicated to delivering top-notch customer service and support. They offer comprehensive training, maintenance services, and technical assistance to ensure that their clients maximize the performance and longevity of their industrial crosscut saws. Their commitment to customer satisfaction has earned PTMI a loyal customer base and a sterling reputation in the woodworking industry.

6. PTMI’s Continued Innovation and Technological Advancements

As a company that values innovation, PTMI continuously invests in research and development to stay ahead of the competition. They collaborate with industry experts and utilize cutting-edge technology to create crosscut saws that meet the ever-evolving demands of the woodworking industry. With PTMI, you can expect ongoing product enhancements and new models designed to further improve efficiency and performance.

7. Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Practices at PTMI

PTMI is committed to reducing its environmental footprint through sustainable and eco-friendly practices. Their industrial crosscut saws are designed to optimize energy efficiency and reduce waste. They also focus on utilizing environmentally friendly materials and components whenever possible. By choosing PTMI, you are not only investing in top-quality woodworking equipment, but you’re also supporting a company that cares about the environment.

8. Customization Options for PTMI’s Industrial Crosscut Saws

Understanding that every woodworking professional has unique requirements, PTMI offers a range of customization options for their industrial crosscut saws. From specific blade types to tailored control systems, PTMI can work closely with clients to develop a crosscut saw solution that meets their specific needs. This commitment to customization sets PTMI apart from other manufacturers in the market.

9. Join the PTMI Community

When you choose Pacific Trail Manufacturing as your industrial crosscut saw manufacturer, you’re not just purchasing a product; you’re becoming part of a community. PTMI’s team is dedicated to providing ongoing support and sharing valuable insights to help you get the most out of your investment. Join the PTMI community today and experience the difference of working with a company that truly cares about your success.

In summary, PTMI’s industrial crosscut saws are the epitome of precision, efficiency, and innovation in the woodworking industry. By investing in a PTMI crosscut saw, you’ll enjoy top-quality performance, a wide range of applications, and outstanding customer support. Choose PTMI for all your industrial crosscut saw needs and experience the benefits of working with a company that is revolutionizing the woodworking world.

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Custom Deck Bucking Saw For Sale

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Pacific Trail Mfg. Inc.
6532 SE Crosswhite Way
Portland, OR 97206
(503) 233-8952

Bucking Saws

Package Chainsaw

Innovatively Designed Saws Make Big Difference for Pacific Trail’s Customers

The innovative designs of saws by Pacific Trail Manufacturing help its customers to increase productivity with consistent cuts and less downtime.
Pacific Trail Manufacturing Inc. helps its customers to solve problems every day by providing them with innovatively designed saws that offer consistent cutting tolerances with fewer wearable parts.

“We have been told time again that our saws become so important to production that the customers many times call us to say, ‘I wished I had bought the saw from you guys two years ago!’” commented Tom Langton, president of the company.

Pacific Trail’s saws have a big impact in helping its customers to be more competitive and to increase sales by being able to stay on top of customer demand. One company spokesperson said, “Even in a down economy, the Pacific Trail Exacta-Cut has taken our sales to the next level. These were orders we have never been able to handle before.”

Another customer raved that its Pacific Trail saw purchased over a decade ago had “become the heart and soul of production of our company. It is asked to cut softwoods and hardwoods all day long every day. To say we are pleased with the design, production, ease of maintenance and after-the-sale service is an understatement.”

Pacific Trail’s typical customers include lumber remanufacturers, and manufacturers of pallets, trusses, and studs for housing and residential. “Any company using high volumes of cut-to-length wood products can benefit from our specialized saws,” said Langton.

“Our most popular products are the crosscut unit saws we manufacture. There are three main models. Each is suitable for different facets of the wood products industry,” said Langton. “We also build deck saws for the mills to buck tree-length logs, and paper roll saws for the paper mills and paper converters.”

“Consistent finished products come from our saws for less operating costs,” suggested Langton, giving this example of why consistency is so important. “With a unit saw, you can create 200-plus 92-5/8” studs in 1½ minutes. But if the cutting tolerance of the saw isn’t consistent in holding 92-5/8″, you’ve created a finished product very quickly that you can’t use or sell.”

Since its saws have fewer wearable parts, its customers experience little or no downtime due to the saws. “Downtime is not an option once one of ours saws becomes a true production piece of machinery,” commented Langton. “However, if something out of the ordinary was to happen, most everything is on the shelf for immediate shipping.”

“Labor and production go hand in hand in the wood products industry,” said Langton. “For example, as a pallet company grows, the owner has a choice to throw more bodies and pop-up saws at creating deck boards and stringers or buy one of our saws to increase production while decreasing labor at the same time.”

When it comes to operator training on Pacific Trail’s saws, that can vary a great deal depending on the type of saw, but training primarily pertains to taking care of the saw chain and saw bars so they maintain consistent cutting tolerance.

Steve Varnado of Contract Lumber in Statesville, North Carolina, after installation of a second Accu-Cut saw, said, “So far so good. We are in full production mode and have been since early in the week. Of course we are still learning and trying to be more efficient, but we are very happy at this point.”

Varnado added that Bruce Wold, field technician with Pacific Trail, “was a huge help and a wealth of knowledge and left no stone unturned when it came to instructing us on the saw and scenanrios he had encountered over the years. All in all, I would give an ‘A’ grade at this point.”

“The method and frequency of attending to the wear items for a yard saw is different than for one of our Accu-Cut 132-20C’s; saw chains and saw bars are looked after to hold precision end trim tolerances of ±1/32″,” explained Langton. “And certainly, starting the engine on one of our Mobil-Cut 014-GMM yard saws cutting away on engineered-wood products is a little different than learning our fully auto-control panel option on the Accu-Cut. However, every saw we build is supported with information and training for taking care of the saw so it consistently holds the cutting tolerance required by our customers.”

“While first learning to build these incredibly useful machines in 1988, Pacific Trail Manufacturing Inc., as we exist today, was started in 1996,” he said. Located in Portland, Oregon, the company has occupied two separate buildings since then, and has remained small, with between 7 to 10 employees.

For more information on Pacific Trail, contact us here:

Pacific Trail Mfg. Inc.
6532 SE Crosswhite Way
Portland, OR 97206
(503) 233-8952

Package Chainsaw

Pacific Trail Manufacturing Specializes in Package Saws

Pacific Trail Manufacturing Inc. specializes in highly accurate crosscut unit saw systems, also known as a package saw. Employee experience dating back to 1970 has fueled significant growth in supplying crosscut unit saws to the pallet industry and lumber remanufacturers across North America as Pacific Trail Mfg. Inc. since 1996.
Pacific Trail not only manufactures crosscut unit saws, but also deck saws for log bucking, paper roll saws, package saw retrofits and OEM direct 3/4-inch pitch saw chain guide bars. Additional industries serviced are lumber remanufacturers, reload operations, manufactured housing, softwood and hardwood sawmills and tree harvesters. Internationally, Pacific Trail has a presence in South America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Asia.

Package Chainsaw Choices

Pacific Trail offers three basic models of crosscut unit saws that provide a range of cutting tolerances and production. The most advanced model, which has the most accurate cutting tolerance at ±1/32-inch (.030mm), is the Accu-Cut™.

The Accu-Cut™ features a 20 HP TEFC electric motor with choice of voltage that direct drives carbide, chromax or carbon saw chain to process OSB, MDF, plywood, hardwood and softwood products. Since 1996 the Accu-Cut™ has used precision linear guide rods and bearings to support the saw’s ability to hold tolerance. State-of-the-art electronic inverter, rack and pinion, and gear reducer run a digital length measuring system that provides precise positioning for each cut. A standard material off-load staging feature increases production, and the kerf collapse relief feature protects the saw bar and chain. The Accu-Cut™ has been available with fully automatic touch screen controls for one-employee production cutting since 1997.

The Exacta-Cut 116-22™ has been Pacific Trail’s most popular model servicing the pallet industry. Offering a tolerance of ±1/16-inch and better, custom frame length for production staging, rack and pinion digital length measuring and cut stroke power assist, the Exacta-Cut 116-22™ is accurate, fast, and flexible.

Complete custom turnkey installations of crosscut unit saw systems can include hydraulic unit aligners that reduce the need to make end trims, sawdust vacuum systems and waste conveyors.

Entry level models, where cutting tolerances are not an issue, include the inexpensive Mobil-Cut yard saws, which are available in both electric and gasoline versions.

For more information on Pacific Trail Manufacturing or its products, contact the company at:

Pacific Trail Mfg. Inc.
6532 SE Crosswhite Way
Portland, OR 97206
(503) 233-8952

Pacific Trail Package Saw